Monday, November 21, 2016

How To Make Your Own Quilt At Home?

Have you started your quilts online shopping yet? Quilts are very much an essential part of winter and can be an excellent gift for your loved ones. How about personalising things by making the quilt yourself at home? If you think it requires a lot of skill and effort, this blog will show you how a creative head and a structured approach can be enough.

Buy Quilts Online

The pick-and-choose stage

The first thing to do is to identify the pattern and size of the quilt you wish to make. Once that is set, choose your fabrics. Be very careful while deciding on the colour and design of the fabrics. The theme for a baby can never be similar to that of a newly-wed couple. Next, you need to prewash the fabrics in warm water.

Where are the scissors?

Once the fabrics have dried up, you are free to cut them as per your desired shape and size. You may want to keep a uniform shape, or may even have a mixture of rectangles, squares, stars, and triangles. Make sure to cut the border pieces as well for each block.

Then starts the sewing

Place all the pieces the way you want to and start sewing them together. If you fail to arrange the pieces correctly, the entire effort might get wasted. It is also a good idea to double check before you start sewing. Sew all the pieces together for your customised quilt top.

The batting and the backing

Now that you have completed your quilt top, it is time to fix the batting and backing. You may choose to have a different type of fabric for these layers. Ideally the lower layers need to be slightly bigger than the top. Arrange the layers correctly and fix the entire set in a quilt frame.

Final stitching and the binding

Stitch all the three layers together to avoid shifting. This is what gives the quilt its longevity and strength. The last stage is the binding where you need to clip or stitch the entire perimeter of the quilt. You can also use fabric pieces for the binding process.

Next time before you buy quilts in India, give your creativity a chance. And in case you are too busy to find enough time for the same, the option of quilts online shopping is always there.

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